Brigadier General George H. Sharpe
Portrayed by Joel Hummel
Impressionist Joel Hummel portrays Brigadier General George H. Sharpe. Joel has been involved with American Civil War Re-enacting and Living History for more than 30 years. Beginning in 1986 as a VIP at Fort Washington doing a heavy artillery impression, he progressed through quality infantry units, main stream event staff officer, progressive event staff officer, increasingly authentic regular infantry, field artillery, field musician (drummer & bugler) engineer, civilian and naval impressions. In recent years, Joel has included at least three carefully researched first person impressions to his portfolio: George Sharpe, Philip Schaff & James Barnes.
George H. Sharpe was born in Kingston, New York on February 26, 1828. At the age of 19, he graduated from Rutgers and went on to Yale Law School. He passed the New York bar in 1849, but did not begin practicing for several years because he wanted to travel in Europe. When the war began, Sharpe was in a militia unit as a captain. Early in 1863, Colonel Sharpe was made deputy provost marshal general and assigned to lead the Bureau of Military Information. Sharpe’s last task was at Appomattox C.H. where he oversaw the issue of 28,231 paroles to the ANV after the surrender of Robert E. Lee. He died January 13, 1900.