Lieutenant Colonel Horace Porter
Portrayed by David Strawn
In support of the CWIA events, impressionist David "Dave" Strawn portrays Lieutenant Colonel Horace Porter, General Grant’s Aide-de-Camp.
Dave has been a lover of history his entire life. He began studying Civil War history after a trip to Gettysburg with friends in 1991. Dave and his son Ryan began Civil War reenacting in 2017 with the 153rd Pennsylvania Volunteers in Northampton County Pennsylvania. After Dave joined the unit, he discovered his ancestor, Solon H. Werst, also served in the 153rd P.V. – in Company C! Dave is a retired police officer. He resides in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. |
Lieutenant Colonel Horace Porter was born in 1837 in Pennsylvania. He attended Point Military Academy and graduated third in his class in 1860. After graduation, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant and assigned to ordnance.
While serving as Chief of Ordnance for the Army of the Cumberland under Generals Rosecrans and Thomas, Porter received the Medal of Honor for rallying retreating men during the Battle of Chickamauga. In 1864, Porter joined the staff of Lt. General U.S. Grant at Grant’s request, where he served as Lieutenant Colonel Aide de Camp. After the war, Porter wrote “Campaigning with Grant”, served as President Grant’s personal secretary, resigned and became VP of Pullman Car Company, and was Ambassador to France from 1897 to 1905. Porter died on May 27, 1921 at the age of 84. |